23, 7 and 15 all met and read minutes last minutes. 7 worked on stencils to mass produce signs, he could use help if anyone wants to help contact 7. 7 also has set ana html link network of the US constitution to help inform group members about the rights which are ours. This will be on the website when it is done. 15 brought it to our attention that a protest will be held on Nov. 2 here is the link: nov 2 protest, it seems the major point of this protest is to invite impeachment of GW. also a buy nothing day celebration will be held the day after thanksgiving friday nov. 25 INTERNATIONAL BUY NOTHING DAY(and it looks like oncap is doing it!). We will be planning this out and will know what the idea is for the celebration. For the website should have links to other groups opportunities for action OFA. And even get our own domain name, we should talk to salvation inc. about getting our own domain and server space. 7 and 15 spoke about the need to use action to coordinate before and after protests, we should email the organizers for the NOV 2 protest. A mew email besides oncap1@hotmail.com was established it should be oncap@riseup.net the nov 2 antibush protest coordinators were emailed.