The images below have been gathered by the ONCAP image project. the aim of the image project is to distribute these and
other similar photos to show the American people the real cost of war . Please show these pictures to your friends or
print them off and post them any where people gather. We at ONCAP hope that these photos will change the minds of any
one who supports Americas's ongoing war with Iraq and the bush administration continuing war on freedom in America.
-imprisoned in Bush's America

ONCAP Image Project Here is the experiment: A standard psychological definition of persuasion is “the process of consciously attempting to change attitudes through the transmission of some message” (Fronzoi, Socail psychology 3rd ed. 2003). That’s what we are trying to do, change people’s attitudes towards both Bush and his war. Since this is going to be a close election, we at ONCAP believe that any little bit of effort could be the deciding factor in the overthrow of the Bush regime this November. The ONCAP Image Project aims to make available images that are not widely available to the public at large through the mainstream media. We hope that in distributing these images the public will in turn show these images to their friends and associates to continue the spread of the message. Furthermore, the main idea motivating this project is what psychologists call the “peripheral route to persuasion”. This route to persuasion is caused by the placement of environmental cues for the purpose of influencing others whom may not carefully analyze a more in-depth argument. (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) In order to do this we have placed phrases above and below the images we believe will cause individuals to think about the real consequences of another Bush presidency. We don’t expect to change minds overnight. We do hope that with your help we can make individuals within the public more aware of the real costs of Bush’s war on terror and his continuing war on freedom in America. If you want to join in on the image project please print and post these images any where that people gather. E-mail them to all your friends and most of all have fun defeating Bush this November.